
Financial Accounting in an Economic Context 8th Edition

Financial Accounting in an Economic Context PDF Download Ebook. Pratt allows accountants to see not only the impact of financial transactions in financial statements, but also the impact of transactions on overall business decisions. The book offers new elements designed to sharpen Pratt’s economic decision-making foundation with a more timely, real-world focus.

Up-to-date, expanded, and detailed IFRS coverage is now included. The SEC 2014 roadmap is explored in all chapters. Comprehensive coverage of real-world financial crisis issues is presented. Accountants will also find more discussions on the increasing role of management’s assessment of internal controls over financial reporting.

This text contains new elements designed to enhance the text's economic decision-making theme, and updated real-world references, many on the Internet-based economy. For this edition, questions are placed within chapters rather than at the end, and all questions and exercises refer to real-world companies and events. Sections cover financial accounting and its economic contact, use of financial statements, assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity, and income and cash flows.

A valuable resource for any business professional, this book shows how performance metrics available from the financial statements, shareholder value creation, and the firm's market value are all tied together. It also explores earnings management, including the use of discretion by management in the preparation of the financial statements to cast a favorable picture of the financial performance and condition of the firm. Readers will then delve more deeply into the methods used to account for operating, investing, and financing transactions.

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