
Financial Accounting 11th Edition, Needles & Powers

Financial Accounting 11th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Belverd E. Needles and Marian Powers continue distinguished tradition of combining academic needs with professional thought to prepare students for a dynamic business world.

Through market-leading integration of International Financial Reporting Standards coverage and real-world data, trusted pedagogy, and a clear writing style that simplifies complex concepts, this book develops the judgment and critical-thinking skills students will need to succeed. The book is fully updated for IFRS, includes unique elements on ratio analysis, and offers two unique choices for online homework software: CengageNOW and Aplia.

Belverd E. Needles, Jr., received his BBA and MBA degrees from Texas Tech University and his PhD degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He teaches financial accounting, managerial accounting, and auditing at DePaul University, where he is an internationally recognized expert in international accounting and education.

Internationally recognized as a dynamic teacher in executive education, Marian Powers specializes in teaching nonfinancial managers how to read and understand internal and external financial reports, including the impact of international financial reporting standards (IFRS). Dr. Powers' current research relates to international financial reporting, performance measurement, and corporate governance of high-performance companies in the United States, Europe, India, and Australia.

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